Dental Tips While Traveling

Nov 26 • 2 minute read

Imagine traveling to a foreign country only to find out that you’ve got a bad tooth
problem. Indeed it is true that emergencies do happen without any warning whatsoever.
But there is a saying, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”. So here
are some dental tips for travelers.

It doesn’t matter whether you are traveling within the country or out of it. If you are
planning to travel for some time or make a long distance trip, go for a dental checkup
at a decent dental clinic. This is indeed important especially if you are thinking of going
out of the country. Finding a good dentist in a foreign and unfamiliar country is not going
to be easy.

The dental cost might even be much higher than you bargained for. The dentist, whom
you visit prior to your travel, will be able to do something if there are signs of your teeth
or gum condition worsening. But this doesn’t mean there will be no emergency. What if
you fell down and broke your teeth?

Anything can happen at any time. So before you travel, sign up with associations like
IAMAT, which is short for International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers.
Don’t worry; you don’t pay a single cent to become a member. With this membership,
you will gain access to the worldwide network of dental and medical personnel.
The other thing you can do is to contact the American Embassy or Consulate in the
specific country and request for a dental referral. Don’t take a risk by walking into the
very first dental clinic you come across at the expense of worsening your teeth or gum
condition. There could be a risk of serious disease in the event of non-sterile dental

That covers the part of any unprecedented emergency. But what about the items you
need to take along for your trip? Well, if you are going overseas for a few months, then
do take along at least two toothbrushes with soft bristles, fluoride toothpaste, floss and
mouthwash. If you wear dentures or braces, don’t forget to take along the cleaning
solution and orthodontic wax.

If your trip includes hiking, skiing or any other similar dangerous activity, do think about
bringing along a mouth guard with you. The mouth guard will protect your teeth and
gums in the event of a fall. Also, while you are traveling, no matter how tired you are, don’t
forget to practice good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with the
mouthwash at least twice per day and floss your teeth once per day.

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